12 OCT 2019
Introducing The Aquarium Starter Kit
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Aquatics | Tropical Aquariums | Fish | Aquarium Filters | Water Treatment | NT Labs
The starter kit from NT Labs contains the two products needed to get your aquarium up and running and is safe for fish. NT Labs created a product that will help make setting up a new aquarium easy for new fishkeepers.   This new product will provide you with the essential products and a step by step guide helping you set up your new freshwater aquarium. The aquarium starter kit contains a 30ml bottle of Tap Water Safe and a 30ml bottle of Filter Starter. Simply follow the instructions on the box (shown below), and then enjoy your new aquarium! Once all of the aquarium gravel, decorations and hardware have been washed and placed in the aquarium, fill your aquarium with tap water. Add 5ml per 25 litres of Tap Water Safe to the aquarium. Switch on the lights, filter (and if starting a tropical aquarium, a heater set to 22-25°C.) Once the water is at the right temperature, your aquarium is ready for a few fish. Ask your retailer about the best fish to.. [More] introduceaquariumstarterkit.png
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